Apply for CARES Grant Application 2022 – Up to $50,000 Per Applicant


Apply for CARES Grant Application 2022 – Up to $50,000 Per Applicant

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Apply for CARES Grant Application 2022: The University of Maryland Center for Addiction Research, Education, and Service (CARES) Science to Systems pilot grant program is requesting applications.


The aim of the program is to generate research that can inform substance use disorder prevention or treatment enhancement. Projects proposed should be carried out within a 12-month period and can include prospective data collection or analysis of secondary data.

The Science to Systems Grant anticipates funding three to four awards at $50,000 maximum per applicant. Interprofessional collaboration is strongly encouraged. Intent to apply letters are appreciated by Jan. 3, 2022. Applications are due by March 1, 2022.

How to Apply for CARES Grant Application 2022

Potential applicants are asked to inform CARES faculty of the intent to apply for funding via email to and

Where to Submit the CARES Grant Application 2022

All applications should be submitted electronically by e-mail as a single pdf to the CARES SharePoint email below:

General — UMB Center for Addiction Research, Education, and Service CARES:

Any queries regarding applicant or proposal eligibility can be directed to:

Michelle Tuten, PhD
CARES Co-Director
Phone: 410-706-7519 

Bernard Bassey is a graduate of Software Engineering from AfriHUB University, Abuja. He is an expert in field journalism, his interest in socio-politics activities is keen.

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