Website Desig.n: 5 Best Online Schools to Learn Website Design

Website Design: 5 Best Online Schools to Learn Website Design

Best schools to learn website design

Website Design: Jobs and businesses are currently taken online in the 21st century, most people prefer to use the online space to market and sell their products and services. Currently, there are many customers and opportunities always present online, from social media, forums, and blogs.

Each passing day, people seek the services of websites designers to make their business successful online. However, if you are skilled in website design, congratulations! You’re just on your way to making money online.

Take a look at Amazon, eBay, Alibaba, etc. Without these online stores, an individual can still market or sell his/her own product or services online through the help of Whatsapp, Twitter, Facebook, and the host of other social media platforms.

The way people own their shops physically and attend to customers every day is the same way you can own your online shops and run your business as usual. Just like business owners pay shop rent either monthly or yearly, is the same way you can market your own product and services online while you pay a token for either monthly or yearly for domain and hosting charges.

Therefore, as a website designer, you are always open to different opportunities of meeting clients who are interested in your service in different aspects as the case may be. The manner with which you handle your clients determines how you will be paid or either get further recommendations. So; in the real sense for you to be recognized as a certified webmaster, you have to acquire the skill of website designing from a specialized and reputable organization or self-thought.

Why you should learn website design

Website designing is very lucrative, as the amount of money you get for designing a website absolutely depends on the size of the project you execute, including the price agreement reached between you and your client. Most website designers charge $500 per project; imagine completing two to three projects within a week? After calculating, you could see that your average monthly income as a freelance webmaster will give you more than what an average civil servant earns in a month.

Acquiring a website design skill can give you the advantage of winning a scholarship award in Udacity, Google, and Coursera, each year, these big brands organize website development competitions and after the competition, the best candidates are retained to undergo four years Nano degree program various discipline.

Becoming a website designer could expose you to lots of opportunities and also give you an advantage over your peer group, for example after learning with IBM, you will receive a badge for every task you complete and if you learn with Google, a certified badge will be given to you. This process is not just for IBM and Google alone but is also applicable to other website learning schools out there.

Focus on the following for the Best Online Schools

There are things you need to look out for before applying for any Online Schools. However, we will discuss the five (5) best online schools to learn website design and the entire recommended site in this article has both Free and Paid versions of learning. Note both sites offers the same knowledge to their students such as; video transcripts, course materials, and tutorials. Therefore, at the end of the training, if you want to get the certificate, you will need to pay for it.

Without wasting much time, let’s take a look at the top 5 online schools to learn website design in 2021

Tutorials Point


Tutorials point is among the best online schools that offer training for website design (an online IT study library), offers standard online education for computer science students, engineering-related courses, and information technology. Tutorials Point is recognized as one of the best IT centers for learning different kinds of programming language alongside web language. They focus more on allied subjects, IT and related software tops, etc.

Tutorials Point started with a single lecture on HTML in 2006; they crossed a milestone when it became a Private Company and named Tutorials Point; it engaged fully by employing techies to widen its core objectives in 2014.

The founder and CEO of Tutorial Point company are Mohammed Mohtashim. In the different fields of studies, there are over 10,000+ online lectures to learn for FREE

The Tutorials Point is expert when it comes to website design, due to its interface being easy to navigate. One thing is sure, a coach doesn’t have to seat by you before you can learn; this is because their website interface is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

Based on Alexa’s analysis, an estimated monthly visitor of 40 million visits the company’s website with 24 products and services alongside, HTML5, Google analysis, and JQuery.

The company has tons of professional tutors from India who are skilled in various IT fields, working round the clock to provide the best optimum services and skills for their readers for the purpose of promoting the awareness of the world of information technology.

Tutorials Point headquarters is in Telangana, India and their official website address is The company is funded by the third-party website and corporate organizations through the display of published advertisements; it is also funded by the founder of Tutorials Point (Mohammed Mohtashim). However, their other means of making money are through the sales of eBooks.

Therefore, the most interesting thing is that you can learn website design without paying a registration fee; their lectures are free except if you need a paid video or a physical class including an eBook that you really want to pay for.

Featured Courses at Tutorials Point:

  • Machine Learning
  • Web technologies
  • Emerging technologies
  • Mobile App development
  • Database technology
  • Java technology
  • Microsoft technology
  • Big Data and Analysis


Tutorials Point gives out its resources for free, meanwhile, there are specific courses you may have to pay a fee for to get access to those courses. However, the fee ranges from ₹1,000.00 to ₹5,000.00.

Mode of Learning or Teaching

The pattern of teaching used by Tutorial Point is through eBooks, videos transcript, and web-readable text. At leisure, you can have access to these teachings offline by downloading videos.

In addition, instead of losing your potential customers to other website designers out there, and lagging behind because you don’t have sufficient knowledge on website design, you can visit Tutorial Points to acquire the basic knowledge about website design and developments, to enable you to get the right skill needed to face any form of competition in the world of technology.

Tutorial Points is a reputable organization regarded as one of the top 5 Online Schools to study and get started with your learning.



Udemy is an online education platform based in the United States; they train people from various fields of studies. The organization was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Oktay Caglar and Gagan Biyan. Their database has 183,000 courses available with around 65,000 instructors available to teach different courses in 75 languages, with over 40 million students in their portal.

Udemy gives out tutorials in website designing and other similar courses in the same field. You don’t need any credit card details to get started; as some of the courses offered on the platform are free.

Their mission is to create an atmosphere of great possibilities where organizations and people from different parts of the world will connect and get the right skills, attached with adequate knowledge needed to succeed in this dynamic world. Thousands of new courses are updated daily on the official website.

Daily, millions of students from across the globe learn from Udemy for business, professional courses, and real-world data analytics. In addition, Udemy also offers her audience opportunities such as scholarships to learn their monetized courses for free, and grants to assist them to establish their ideas to enable learners to develop and host their self-distributed content.

Featured Course

Business: This aspect is where a student learns the business concept, available courses categorized under business include business law, real estate development and investment, entrepreneurship, and lots more.

Development: This category enables you to learn website design and development, in addition, you also learn basic languages such as; CSS, React, Javascript, PHP, Django, Vue JS, Node.JS, and Angular.

Finance & Accounting: In this section, you can learn about finance and accounting, available courses are investing and trade, taxes, economics, and more.

IT & Software: This section allows you to learn related skills like Network & security, IT certification, Hardware, and more.

Office Productivity: This category gives you full knowledge on how to use communication and documentation creation and how to manage and use office-related software. Available courses include Oracle, Apple Microsoft, etc.

Personal Development:  This section teaches you how to develop and master your own personal skill. It also allows you to acquire the right skills that suit you to make you succeed in your field of study.

Design:  This category teaches you about website design, design thinking, graphics, animation, and 3D.

Marketing: This specifically gives you the full knowledge about marketing; it teaches you how to master the insight of digital marketing and how to sell products and services online.

Lifestyle: The lifestyle category teaches you how to run and manage lifestyle activities like blogging, writing, traveling, and more.

Photography & Video: In this category, you will acquire knowledge on photography and video editing; in addition, you will also have access to tools needed for you to become an expert photo and video editor.

Health & Fitness:  This section enables you to learn about Yoga and Nutrition fitness.

Music: This category teaches you how to improve your vocals, music techniques, music skills, music production, and know more about software usage.

Teaching & Academics: This section gives you access to science, receives online courses in math, history, and geography from professionals and experts in this category.


The Udemy platform has two categories of courses they offer to students; they are both free and paid courses ranging from $10 to $500 based on the course and the seller. Udemy ensures you are ready for the paths ahead in software development; in addition, learning website design from Udemy is as easy as you can imagine. All it requires is for you to have a device and stable internet service to get you up and running.


Udacity is an American-based educational website that offers sufficient, efficient, and professional tutorials that will motivate you to master your field of study or the right skills to make you succeed in the world of technology. Undercity Company was founded in June 2011 in California, United States, by Sebastian Thrun. Currently, Chief Executive Officer Gabriel Dalporto is now heading the company.

Udacity gives out nano degree courses to help the student improve more on their skills but the university is not accredited and they don’t confer traditional degrees, in addition, the nano program signifies collaboration with the partners of the industry like Google, Microsoft, and Apple.

Udacity experience monthly visitors of over 30 million with registered users of approximately 1.6 million. In addition, they offer one of the top-notch and best tutorial courses on the internet. If you feel interested in the program, you can enroll in website design training and get set to become a certified webmaster in the nearest future.

Featured Courses:

Map out your way to success; match your goals to our exciting program and explore your options.

School of Data Science: Enroll in Udemy school of Data Science to become a data analyst and obtain a recognized certificate.

School of Artificial Intelligence: In the artificially intelligent program, you can develop capable and smart machines that can carry out human activities.

School of Programming: The category teaches more about website design from scratch to the top level, in other words, you will be tutored on how to build a dynamic and responsive website from the basics, and you will also learn other programming languages.

School of Autonomous Systems: Here you learn more about network and internet protocol, and you will also get certified worldwide when you acquire these skills.

School of Cloud Computing: In this category, you will learn cloud computing, and eventually progress to become a certified data storage specialist in the world of technology.

School of Business:  This category is for anyone that wants to do business and knows the basic strategies of doing business, for your information, this is the right place to begin.

School of Cyber Security: Do you want to become a certified hacker and learn the ethics of cyber security? Udacity offers cyber security courses that can teach you all you need to know about hacking.

School of Product Management: In this category, you can become a certified product manager and become recognized worldwide as a result of acquiring a certification in product management.


Udacity has free courses you can learn on their platform; in addition, you are also given the privilege to become not only a professional but an internet webmaster with full certification for free via the Udacity courses. In other words, without paying any money, you will learn from scratch to intermediate and to professional level. However, some courses still require payment; e.g. the nano degree courses. Therefore, the Udacity courses that demand payment ranges from $10 to $499.

LinkedIn Learning


The founders of LinkedIn are Lynda Weinman, Bruce Heavin in California, USA, eventually acquired in 2017 by Microsoft. LinkedIn courses are in three categories, they are; creative, technology, and business categories.

The company also has other interesting functions aside from LinkedIn learning, however, their website also provides lots of amazing opportunities by showing you where you can apply for jobs on the recruiter’s official website, they also ensure to compose a one-time curriculum vitae, as well as acquire necessary badges from another IT tutorials that are related, and go further to display your LinkedIn

LinkedIn is also categorized under social media, in other words, you can learn new skills, interact and explore opportunities at the same time. In addition, you can be a guru in website design by enrolling in any of the courses and becoming a webmaster under the LinkedIn platform for free or learning at paid version. The courses they offer are; top-notch.

Featured Courses:

Creativity: In this aspect, you learn how to carry out design thinking, how to become more creative, and how to create resources for the forthcoming world of technology, with the aim of preparing you for your future career.

Business: Here you get the full knowledge on how to get started in business, acquire all information on how to begin, and boost your business goals.

Technology: In this category, you learn programming languages, website design, and other related courses; however, you can learn website design in this category.


LinkedIn has premium courses and their costs are $29.99 monthly and $239.88 per year (Premium Career for job seekers) and applicants while for entrepreneurs and businesses interested in taking their products and services to a higher level are $59.99 per month and $575.88 yearly.


Coursera is among the top online schools to apply and learn website design; it is one of the best online learning platforms where you can learn website design with ease, in addition, scholarships, internships, and grants are awarded to the outstanding candidate with good performance during the application program.

The founder of Coursera is Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller in 2012, Stanford University. The company has been able to differentiate itself from major competitors over the years, by becoming a world-class online learning platform for creative mind individuals, business, and IT prospects.

Coursera is in collaboration with other Universities to provide degrees and certifications in different fields of studies.

The company had about 1200 staff in June 2020, with more than 40 million visits per month. They also have similarities with other companies whereby you have to pay for a degree alongside certified courses. However, you can also learn website design at Coursera for free and become certified by applying in their grants and scholarship program.

In Coursera, business courses are available to learn, in addition, you can also take advantage of the opportunity to major in other courses of your choice for free.


Embarking on the journey to acquire skills in website designing or creating a WordPress website, entails focus, consistency, passion, and determination, once you have these four attributes, you will get to any level and become who you really want to be.

Above is the list of top online schools to learn website design and also know that these schools have tons of courses you can harness and strengthen your future community with.

Therefore, there are free courses available to learn, however, you can make your choice from the tons of courses available on their platforms.

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